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Diabetes is a serious health problem that requires permanent care and treatment. Diabetes means suffering from various complications, with foot infections being one of the major issues. People with diabetes need to take care of their feet. Otherwise, it can turn into a dangerous infection. Not taking care of the foot of people with diabetes can eliminate the toes, feet and legs below the knee. To prevent the risk of developing foot infections, choosing adequate socks can be helpful. Also, you can follow good foot care to stop possible foot complications. Diabetic socks are thoughtfully designed to reduce the risk of a foot injury, enhance blood circulation and keep feet dry and safe. Due to the high blood sugar, there is a possible chance of damaging the circulatory and nervous systems. Being careless for diabetic neuropathy may enhance the risk of injury, decrease sensation in the feet. Buying Diabetes Socks can save you from lifelong injuries, and increase the risk of foot ulcers.
Things To Consider When Choosing A Diabetic Socks
A person with diabetes should have the right pair that suits your needs and preference. Always consider a pair of socks that comfortable for your feet, but make sure you don’t suffer from diabetic neuropathy before choosing them. Consult proper foot care with your doctor or health consultant if you have new symptoms of neuropathy. Think about your current health condition related to neuropathy and then look for a pair of socks. One who is suffering from diabetes may have cracked and dry feet. This is a major issue that can be controlled with socks made of soft fabric. If your neuropathy has progressed to such an extent that you have numbness in your feet, it is essential to wear socks that fit snugly that they do not rub against your skin. If you want proper blood circulation in your feet, choosing the right socks is good to tolerate this issue.
Avoid using tight socks or those that have elastic as it makes your blood circulation poorer. Poor blood flow can make diabetic can slow the healing of wounds and make food injuries worse. A study shows that compression socks can recover Edema without limiting blood circulation. Socks for diabetes people come in different sizes and different designs. It solely depends on which one you choose. Make sure the socks pair is not too tight not too loose. Since it can restrict blood circulation and put a negative effect on your feet. According to medical experts, people need to consult their doctors about what socks will meet their particular needs. After considering all the mentioned aspects, you should think once at the following factors.
#1. Soft Fibre
People suffering from diabetes need to be more conscious of their feet. It is highly recommended to choose a pair of socks made from soft material. Even though the fact is, cotton doesn’t have the moisture-absorbing quality. So, avoid wearing cotton socks because it creates worsen issues for diabetics. Otherwise, wearing 100% cotton can cause skin rash, irritation, sores or blisters. A study shows that a combination of rayon with cotton, nylon with cotton or acrylic with cotton is best for people with diabetes. Therefore, you will choose some that are not made with pure cotton. Or, you can consider fibres like wool or bamboo. These fibres can help prevent resistance that causes sores.
#2. Moisture Absorbing Feature
Choose socks that have this feature as these types of socks can help diabetics prevent sweating and keep feet dry. Heavy sweating can damage diabetic feet because of causing bacterial and fungi infections. So, choose socks that consist of Cool Max fibres. These fibres are specially designed for absorbing moisture and start fast-moving sweat evaporation. One key feature of these fibres is that it is lightweight and doesn’t cause any harm.
#3. Light Density
It is highly recommended to a diabetic having swollen feet to wear compression or dense socks. Thicker and lighter socks improve regulator functioning and are an effective solution for faster and proper blood circulation into the feet. Socks having 15 MM HG light density or socks with no density should be worn by diabetics.
#4. Cushioning
A slighter cushioning has important advantages, moreover, it gives comfort to your feet. An extra cushioning prevents feet injury and keeps your feet soft.
#5. Elasticity
People living with diabetes should avoid wearing socks that have elastic on their top. A sock having tight elastic can interfere in blood flow or restrict blood circulation. Choose the pair of socks that have a non-binding top.
Final Words
Diabetes is a serious illness experienced by many people around the world. During the period of diabetes treatment, diabetics need to take extra safety precautions from wearing socks to eating any food item.
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